10 benefits of playing a musical instrument

musical instruments

Playing a musical instrument is one of the most enriching activities a person can experience. It is not just about creating music but also engaging in an activity that involves mental, emotional, and social development. Learning to play an instrument has a positive impact on various areas of life, from mental well-being to improved cognitive […]

Differences between the flamenco cajon and the Peruvian cajon

When purchasing a cajon, it’s common to wonder which of the two most recognized types of this wonderful percussion instrument to choose: the flamenco cajon or the Peruvian cajon. To make an informed decision, it’s important to understand the differences between them, which mainly involve their structure and sound. First, it’s worth noting that the […]

How to tune and change the íon drumheads on our flamenco cajons

drumheads cajon

At +íon percussion, innovation in the world of musical instruments is what we are all about. That is why we have designed and patented a revolutionary system, where we have made maximum use of the body of the cajon by incorporating drumheads into the sides. These drumheads are interchangeable and tuneable, thus providing a huge […]

How to tune a flamenco cajon

flamenco cajon

The flamenco cajon is a beautiful and versatile percussion instrument, so it should be treated with care. For this reason, it is advisable to always have it tuned to get the most out of its sound. But how do you tune a flamenco cajon? If you want to know, then read on! The cajon player’s […]

10 advantages of the flamenco cajon

cajones flamencos

Each and every musical instrument is special, boasting its own unique history and characteristics. But when it comes to percussion, the flamenco cajon offers far more than most. So, if you are thinking of getting started in the world of this unique instrument, take a look at this article from the +íon Percussion blog with […]

How to care for your flamenco cajon

flamenco cajon

The flamenco cajon is a wonderful percussion instrument and by treating it well, you will be sure to get many years of enjoyment out of it. There are many things to consider, so our experts at +íon percussion have put together a guide to help you care for and protect your flamenco cajon. Read on! […]

10 benefits of playing percussion

percussion cajon flamenco

Percussion is probably the oldest and most instinctive musical form in the history of humanity. Since the dawn of time, human beings have generated a diverse range of sounds by hitting, shaking or scraping natural objects, such as stones or wood. Over time, melodies and rhythms emerged to accompany community activities, rituals, religious ceremonies and […]

Origin and history of the flamenco cajon

The flamenco cajón has become a symbol of Spain and is gaining more and more prominence on the national and international scene. It has become an indispensable percussion instrument as an accompaniment in flamenco, a Spanish musical genre that developed in Andalusia and is now famous worldwide. The history of the cajón is exciting and full of […]

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